From suffering to surviving


By Jeremiah Lee • May 2021

I believed asynchronous collaboration practices and remote workforces would be the future for many industries long before the COVID-19 pandemic. We are living in exciting—and sometimes painful—times as the first generation of remote workers. If you have not felt the benefit of your employer’s rushed implementation of remote work, I hope you will give it another try in post-pandemic life.

Few of us are going to feel like we are thriving at work again until the pandemic ends. The ideas mentioned here are just a few of the practices that can help companies collaborate more efficiently, decrease alignment effort, and improve decision making. Try them out and share what you learn with other pioneers on the frontier of the future.

Further reading


Thank you to Roland Siebelink, Arthur Nicholls, Leah Reich, and members of the Foster writing community (Ali Q, David Burt, Joel Christiansen, Jon Allen, Stew Fortier) for reviewing drafts of this zine.

Cover illustration created for this article. © 2021 Zelly Dunsay.


Created using Tailwind CSS, Visual Studio Code, Affinity Studio, Pixelmator Pro, InVision Studio, and Apple Keynote.

I referenced 38 articles on MDN Web Docs while coding this zine.

Charco illustrations by Karthik Srinivas, Blush license

“Cautioners” photo by Scott Rodgerson, Unspash license

Quarter illustration by Luca Fruzza from the Noun Project

Speed illustration by Sandiindra from the Noun Project

Stardos Stencil font by Vernon Adams, Open Font License

Text content © 2021 Jeremiah Lee. CC BY-SA 4.0 license. This licensing is meant to enable building upon my work, such as translating into another language or adapting it to other formats. While the license permits it, I would prefer if you do not just republish my articles in their entirety as-is. (Please ask first if you want to do that.) Do not forget to the BY requirement of this license. I expect a link back.