Automatically close tabs you have ignored for too long.
Free yourself of digital clutter.
Add to FirefoxInstall Tab Tosser from Firefox Add-ons. (Fear not. No tabs will be closed until you tell Tab Tosser to start.)
When will a tab be closed?
A tab will be closed when it has not been viewed for longer than the tab expiration time you set.
How long can I keep a tab around?
The tab expiration period options are 24 hours, 1 week, or 1 month.
What happens when I have not accessed a tab within the expiration time period?
The tab is closed, quietly and without warning.
Because losing tabs may be scary, the URL and title of the closed tab is logged. The log of closed tabs is viewable in Tab Tosser’s settings in the Firefox add-on manager. The log is kept for 30 days.
A count of the number of tabs closed is incremented. This is viewable in Tab Tosser’s settings in the Firefox add-on manager.
What happens if I go on vacation?
Tab Tosser’s vacation detection feature will activate when you have not used Firefox for longer than the tab expiration period. Tab Tosser will pause closing tabs for an additional tab expiration period.
Are pinned tabs special?
Yes, pinned tabs are special. Tab Tosser will never close a pinned tab.